Behind Urban Outfitters, hidden retail awaits

Remember in late December and early January, when all sorts of rumors were flying about potential retailers to be built at the corner of Main and Wall in downtown Spokane? Breathless reports of a "mystery downtown retailer" were relayed from various outlets, including Spokane Rising. All along, it was pretty clear that the retailer was Urban Outfitters. The company had already announced that an outpost of Anthropologie, its sister store, would be opening in the former Mobius Science Center space, and no one expected that one would come without the other.
When those reports were finally confirmed, we also heard that the new building for Urban Outfitters would feature an additional retail slot on the Riverfront Park side. But we haven't heard much about exactly what type of business the space would feature. Renderings from the architect feature a bistro concept, but of course, that's not set in stone. Now we have a better idea of how the space will be divided. While a major local entity will take a majority of the space, 500 square feet will be set aside by that organization for community-oriented retail of some kind. No decisions have yet been made about the type of business or nonprofit which will fill those 500 square feet. It's a fascinating concept that we're excited to see come to fruition, because it could do a lot for vitality and excitement on a 1990s-improved but still-disappointing Wall Street. The possibilities are enticing.
What type of space would you like to see there? There's been a lot of talk lately about pop-up retail and public squares and cool local shops upon which one can randomly stumble. With only 500 square feet, there isn't enough space for a major national retailer, but perhaps a local business or nonprofit could take the space. Even a cool bistro would be nice to see, and would certainly improve that street's liveliness. What would you like to see? Share your thoughts on Facebook, on Twitter, and in the comments below. We love to hear from you!