Creating a sense of place on North Monroe (NoMo?)

Here's a difficult brainstorming exercise: how can neighborhood leaders and developers work together to create a sense of place on North Monroe? With the area currently serving primarily as a "drive-through" area between downtown and the north side, and a four-lane street with narrow sidewalks limiting pedestrian access, similarities might be drawn to the Hamilton corridor.
Except here, there are old buildings. Historic brick buildings. Like the Jenkins Building, which is set to get underway soon with 10-16 likely-affordable units. There's a real history here, with great streetfront properties primed for revitalization. With Kendall Yards underway, perhaps it's time for North Monroe to revisit its plans?
What do you think? Could North Monroe use some TLC? What could be done to help create a sense of place in the area? Streetscape improvements? A road diet, perhaps? What about a leg of a downtown streetcar? Then there are always PR options. We've always thought the "NoMo District" title could catch on. Maybe not, though (too similar to "no more"?). What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Facebook, on Twitter, and in person. We love to hear from you.